Church History

The Davis Chapel congregation was formed in 1889, and for 134 years, we have met on these grounds. The Davis family of Abrams Plains granted land so that Black people in this community would have a place to worship. They were given two years to erect a church on these grounds, and with faith in a shared vision, they pooled resources, combined efforts, and united to honor that commitment. Building the church required a pervasive cooperative spirit; sustaining it through the years necessitated fiscal acumen we can only marvel at today. How did they manage with the 3-cent and 5-cent contributions recorded?

The original house of worship, located slightly west of where we sit today, was a long, narrow wooden structure fitted with the necessities of the time. The plank church had pews on both sides, a pulpit at the end of the aisle, and a pot-bellied stove for warmth. They got water from the spring, were baptized in a nearby creek, and had a long wooden table outside to share the food they brought in baskets. There were no frills such as a choir stand, but according to our church elders, the congregation made an excellent choir, lifting their voices in exquisite harmony.

Members of the earliest congregations included the Morton, Daniel, Taylor, Royster, Webb, Davis, Smith, Bentley, Black, Norwood, Gooch, Hicks, and Boyd families. These families represent our past, present, and future, as many remain represented today. We thank God for this continuity of membership and the longevity of our church elders who render a history resplendent of what God has done when faith is activated.

Each generation of congregants has taken seriously its charge to preserve Davis Chapel as a beacon of faith. Ministers who led the congregation in its earliest days were Reverend Hoskins, Lafayette Hicks, Samuel Suitt, and Smith. When the church was rebuilt in 1953, Reverend Frank S. Smith was Pastor. Reverends Ralph Mangum, William Royster, Rufus L. Johnson, Terry L. Carmichael, Danny Wilder, Harold Timberlake, Jr, James Lea, and Sandy Smith have also served as pastors. As we continue our mission to have the light of Christ shine brightly in this community, the Davis Chapel Baptist Church family welcomes the leadership of Reverend Dr. Jerry Lee Love Jr.